Yesterday morning, Nathan and I walked around Centennial Park
in Nashville as he talked about the importance of and how to hire “empathic people.” Last night, as we
talked and ate snacks around a hotel lobby table, Nathan got emotional. He has
only teared up a few times since all this madness began.
With his son Jack sitting on his lap, he explained his
emotion was triggered because he was concerned for all of us, particularly what
it must be like to be me with a son about to go into brain surgery. Imagine
that. You are about to go into brain surgery and you are getting upset thinking
how your family must feel right now. Who does that? Nathan, our Nathan, the
Nathan that so many of you know and have rallied behind in so many different
ways. A truly compassionate, caring, sensitive, guy that just “gets it” when,
frankly, most of us would understandably only be thinking about ourselves a few
hours away from having a window cut into our cranium.
Nathan slept well last night. Thank you Lord. This morning,
we all met in the lobby at 6:00 am and took Nathan to the hospital, just a few
minutes away. After being admitted, we all hugged him and he and Elizabeth went
into the prep area until it was time to take him into surgery. Once the “Happy
Juice” began to flow, Elizabeth did send us a video of Nathan grinning and
referring to his surgery hair net has his “Party Hat.” A needed light moment in
a land of lead here at the hospital.
So, now we wait. We
have a large group of mostly family and a few friends that are all gathered in
the on the 6th Floor Neuro ICU Waiting area, many on their cell
phones, laptops and tablets. It is the modern era.
To me, the minutes feel like hours and the hours feel like
days. Time is flowing like thick molasses on a cold day.
Later today, Dr. Thompson will come and meet with us to tell
us how the surgery both went and perhaps suggest a preliminary idea of the
identity of the tumor. Brain tumors are labeled by both cell type and
aggressiveness (1-4). Unfortunately, they
can’t get it all through surgery. There are always unseen malevolent cells that
remain concealed and are left behind. Lord, please give wisdom and bless the
treatment that will follow this surgery today. Empower it to destroy all
remnants of these tiny terrorists and heal my boy, my only son. Please Lord…
Please Lord.
We all could not be more thankful for your persistent prayers,
your incredibly generous donations and the many expressions of love and care
toward my son and those of us that hurt when he hurts. What a caring community that
has surrounded him! I just keep hearing the words of Jesus, “As you have done
to the least of these, so you did it to me.” And you have…. done it to Jesus with each prayer, text,
email, donation and words of love out of your concern for Nathan. THANK YOU!!
Would indulge me for a moment for the private reflection of
a malfunctioning minister? We all have our private relationship with the Lord,
and that is a good thing. But make no mistake; there will come a day when you
will need more than you can produce alone – you will need the prayers and
support of God’s people. Yes, of course, we need the Lord, but we also need his
redeemed people beside us. We simply are not complete alone. Even in Paradise,
being alone was the only thing that was “not good.” That is why the God-Figure
in Luke 15 rejoiced when the lone sheep, the lost coin and the isolated son were
finally back with the others where they belonged. Even heaven itself is a
coming home to be together forever. Whether we realize it or not, we need the
Body of Christ. Sadly, life’s harsh hand has a way of teaching you that lesson
at some point or another. If I missed it before, I do no longer. The door to God’s
most intensive classroom is always locked from outside. There is no way out but
in patiently trusting Him and learning the lesson that we would miss, if given
an open door from which to escape. From the lips of a terrible receiver, I have
so needed you. Thank you.
God Bless you and from the bottom of my heart, thank you!!
Buddy Sexton