Saturday, March 26, 2016

Running and Readings

Nathan has a brain MRI scan at Vanderbilt this coming Tuesday and the results will be given at 8:30 Wednesday morning. The oncologist orders a MRI every 2 months and that is the standard schedule, as long as no new cancer growth is detected in the scans. As the day of the scan report approaches, they are increasingly full of anxious anticipation for all of us, as you can imagine. We would so appreciate your prayers for a good scan this week.

Other than brain cancer, Nathan is the healthiest person I know. He militantly remains on his ketosis diet. He eats only organic foods, refuses anything embedded with a long-syllabled chemical name, goes to work each day (when he is not taking chemo) and has taken up running… in a big way.

On March 6th, he ran the Chattanooga Half Marathon (7:45/mile pace). There was a film crew that documented his training and race. I am not sure where or when this will be aired but I will let you know once it is announced. The week of the race, he was also featured on the front page of the Chattanooga Free Press. Here is the link to the article:

In addition to road racing, he has also taken up trail running. This morning, he ran in a 10 mile trail race and finished in the top 25%. I mention all of that to say that he is truly doing well, and to his disciple credit, trying to do all he can to give himself the best chance to beat brain cancer.

Elizabeth (wife), Jack (son), Yetti (dog) and Toodles (rabbit) are all doing fine. Elizabeth has just been a wonderful wife during all this. She has the patience of Job and has faithfully cared for Nathan during so many times when her heart was hurting and her tanks were on fumes. God bless Elizabeth and all the caregivers.

As we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord tomorrow, it is a powerful reminder of the truth that we serve a LIVING Lord, a God so infinitely great and yet so individually concerned for each of us. As Isaiah declared, “The arm of the LORD is not too short to save.” Amen. That mighty arm of the Lord can reach deeper than death itself. That is Good News for everyone and particularly good news to an anxious family this week!

We are so grateful for your loving support, acts of service and so many faithful prayers that have truly made a difference!

Buddy Sexton

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